The SphinxClient class

(PECL sphinx >= 0.1.0)


The SphinxClient class provides object-oriented interface to Sphinx.


SphinxClient {
/* Methoden */
public addQuery ( string $query [, string $index = "*" [, string $comment = "" ]] ) : int
public buildExcerpts ( array $docs , string $index , string $words [, array $opts ] ) : array|false
public buildKeywords ( string $query , string $index , bool $hits ) : array
public close ( ) : bool
public __construct ( )
public escapeString ( string $string ) : string
public getLastError ( ) : string
public getLastWarning ( ) : string
public open ( ) : bool
public query ( string $query [, string $index = "*" [, string $comment = "" ]] ) : array
public resetFilters ( ) : void
public resetGroupBy ( ) : void
public runQueries ( ) : array
public setArrayResult ( bool $array_result = FALSE ) : bool
public setConnectTimeout ( float $timeout ) : bool
public setFieldWeights ( array $weights ) : bool
public setFilter ( string $attribute , array $values [, bool $exclude = FALSE ] ) : bool
public setFilterFloatRange ( string $attribute , float $min , float $max [, bool $exclude = FALSE ] ) : bool
public setFilterRange ( string $attribute , int $min , int $max [, bool $exclude = FALSE ] ) : bool
public setGeoAnchor ( string $attrlat , string $attrlong , float $latitude , float $longitude ) : bool
public setGroupBy ( string $attribute , int $func [, string $groupsort = "@group desc" ] ) : bool
public setGroupDistinct ( string $attribute ) : bool
public setIDRange ( int $min , int $max ) : bool
public setIndexWeights ( array $weights ) : bool
public setLimits ( int $offset , int $limit [, int $max_matches = 0 [, int $cutoff = 0 ]] ) : bool
public setMatchMode ( int $mode ) : bool
public setMaxQueryTime ( int $qtime ) : bool
public setOverride ( string $attribute , int $type , array $values ) : bool
public setRankingMode ( int $ranker ) : bool
public setRetries ( int $count [, int $delay = 0 ] ) : bool
public setSelect ( string $clause ) : bool
public setServer ( string $server , int $port ) : bool
public setSortMode ( int $mode [, string $sortby ] ) : bool
public status ( ) : array
public updateAttributes ( string $index , array $attributes , array $values [, bool $mva = FALSE ] ) : int
