The SplPriorityQueue class

(PHP 5 >= 5.3.0, PHP 7)


The SplPriorityQueue class provides the main functionalities of a prioritized queue, implemented using a max heap.

Hinweis: The order of elements with identical priority is undefined. It may differ from the order in which they have been inserted.


SplPriorityQueue implements Iterator , Countable {
/* Methoden */
public __construct ( )
public compare ( mixed $priority1 , mixed $priority2 ) : int
public count ( ) : int
public current ( ) : mixed
public extract ( ) : mixed
public getExtractFlags ( ) : int
public insert ( mixed $value , mixed $priority ) : bool
public isCorrupted ( ) : bool
public isEmpty ( ) : bool
public key ( ) : mixed
public next ( ) : void
public recoverFromCorruption ( ) : void
public rewind ( ) : void
public setExtractFlags ( int $flags ) : void
public top ( ) : mixed
public valid ( ) : bool
