The DOMException class

(PHP 5, PHP 7)


DOM operations raise exceptions under particular circumstances, i.e., when an operation is impossible to perform for logical reasons.

See also Ausnahmebehandlung (Exception-Handling).


DOMException extends Exception {
/* Eigenschaften */
public readonly int $code ;
/* Geerbte Eigenschaften */
protected string $message ;
protected int $code ;
protected string $file ;
protected int $line ;
/* Geerbte Methoden */
final public Exception::getMessage ( ) : string
final public Exception::getPrevious ( ) : Throwable
final public Exception::getCode ( ) : mixed
final public Exception::getFile ( ) : string
final public Exception::getLine ( ) : int
final public Exception::getTrace ( ) : array
final public Exception::getTraceAsString ( ) : string
public Exception::__toString ( ) : string
final private Exception::__clone ( ) : void



An integer indicating the type of error generated